Sgt Jackson served in the USMC for 7 years. He joined the Marines because he wanted to serve his country and better his life.  In 1999 while in military combat training exercise, his right knee was shattered due to repeated pressure of landing on his knees and a buildup of fluid. Not long after that he started having symptoms of PTSD. He continued to serve until 2006.

We asked Terrell what it would mean to have his home furnished by Furnishing Hope, “Having a pleasant place to be together as a family would be the hugest blessing ever. It has been a long time since that existed for the Jacksons. We are very thankful for this program that lifts burdens and brings joy back to families.”

Terrell, his wife and 3 children live in San Diego. Over the last couple years his home has been crumbling around them and he was unable to do the repairs himself. That’s when Rebuilding Together San Diego stepped in to help.  The day after they completed their work Furnishing Hope and a team of volunteers loaded a truck full of furniture and turned the house into a home for the entire family to enjoy.

This is what he had to say about Furnishing Hope, “A beautiful blessing how furnishing Hope gave our family the time and effort, to go out their way to turn our house into a comfortable home. We are very thankful and grateful. Our girls adore their room! Thank you so much!!!”