Nancy’s life deteriorated rapidly. The father of her son lost his battle with cancer. She was also the victim of a horrible assault. She was going through a divorce and barely able to make ends meet. All of this deteriorated her both spiritually and emotionally. Everything kept piling up and then just collapsed. She lost her job, her kids, and her home. She was hospitalized and later entered rehab.

After completing a treatment program, Nancy found that she had nowhere to go. She needed a place where she could be reunited with her daughters ages 12 and 14. After entering Colette’s Children’s Home she began working and gained overnight visitations with her daughters. She had to overcome many obstacles during her stay including changes in employment, stabilization of her mental health, and a hospitalization that almost cost her custody of her children.

Today Nancy has a with a full-time job, custody of her children, and moved into a two bedroom apartment. We are all very proud of all that she has accomplished.

Furnishing Hope had the pleasure of turning Nancy’s apartment into a comfortable home, complete with beds, sofa, artwork, bedding, kitchen and bath supplies. Nancy’s daughters could barely contain their excitement when they entered their room. We wish Nancy and her girls health, happiness and joy in their home!

Story Credit: Colette’s Children’s Home