Growing up I always admired the men and women who serve our country proudly, people making a difference and sacrificing so much of their own time and personal lives to do so. These brave men and women included police officers, firefighters, and of course our military. To me, they were like real life superheroes and I knew that as an adult, I would choose one of those paths as my career. I grew up in a time of fear and uncertainty in America, 9/11 happened when I was 13 and then Iraqi freedom followed soon after. I saw how my country was suffering and I wanted to be one of the ones to protect it.

I joined the Army at the age of 18 and right away I knew I was making the right choice, it was amazing to be able to make a difference and everyday was exciting. I served my country for 10 years before I was medically retired at the age of 28 due to combat injuries. There began a new chapter and a strange and difficult time. Being in the Army, everything was routine and everything financially was taken care of.

girl in chairTransitioning back in to civilian life, I didn’t have anyone telling me what to do or which steps I should take next. I’m very blessed to have a loving family who has supported me through this transition. Two gorgeous little girls and a very loving and beautiful wife. Having them by my side gives me the motivation to get through each day but providing after losing your career is difficult. We moved to the city of Victorville because it was decently affordable for someone in our situation but with bills and trying to find what to do next, it was a stressful time. We had a place to live but there was so much we needed, my wife and I were literally sleeping on the floor.

Our lives changed overnight when we reached out to Beth at Furnishing Hope. It was an amazing experience. I am really so thankful to them for changing our lives. Having a furnished home is not only a physical comfort but a mental one as well. I feel like my family has everything they need and that is a huge weight off my shoulders. We did not invite people over before because we were embarrassed by the lack of furniture, we can now have guests over proudly. Furnishing Hope has truly raised our spirits and we appreciate everything they do for veterans. They have shown us that not all heroes wear uniforms, there are people out there who are selfless and who have big hearts, these very kind and wonderful people are true heroes to people who are going through a tough transition. Thank you Furnishing Hope and thank you Living Spaces for supporting them.